Wednesday, August 27, 2008

And Then There Are Just Mistakes. Yikes!!

Sometimes the problem is not side effects, poor research, or slick marketing; sometimes simple but deadly mistakes are made in the hustle and bustle of hospital life. Here is an intro with link, to a piece from Forbes on Hospital Risks.


Scariest Hospital Risks
Matthew Herper and Melanie Lindner 08.25.08, 4:15 PM ET

Hospitals manufacture miracles by the millions. They can also be hazardous to your health.

According to The Institute of Medicine, a non-profit organization chartered by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, at least 1.5 million Americans fall prey to hospital error every year.

"Errors will happen anytime you take a complex system and put human beings inside of it," says Dr. Brent James, vice president of medical research and executive director of Salt Lake City's Intermountain Institute for Health Care Delivery Research. "The notion that you can train doctors to completely avoid mistakes is just false."

The mistakes aren't exactly minor, either. Between 40,000 and 100,000 people die every year because of shoddy handiwork, including surgical mishaps and drug mix-ups. One big problem: Hospital patients may get the wrong drug one time out of five, according to a study by Auburn University. The death toll from mistakes is at least as bad as that from car accidents or breast cancer, and maybe as bad as that from strokes.....follow the link for more

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